I'm so tired of seeing all these posts saying "dogs are not dangerous if raised right"
Right?....... WRONG!!!! 👎
Its scientifically proven facts!
80-90% comes down to GENETICS.
So many people adopt and rescue dogs from indescribable abuse and
neglect and they turn into an AMAZING DOG. Seen it many times! And I
have been there and did that!
The opposite is the same, a dangerous dog can come from a loving home. Seen it many times!
And also, been there did that! 27 stitches in my leg later.
You CANNOT train a dog "to be mean" it has to have it in them to be mean first and foremost!
DOG aggression and human aggression is two separate genetic traits. They come in many forms.
Just because it would attack and kill another animal doesn't mean it would do the same to a human!
Dogs were bred for thousands of years for specific tasks. Its in them. You can't train out genetics. You can only lower the frequency a bit with a skilled professional dog trainers help.
Bull breeds are prone to dog/animal aggression! They are/were combat dogs!
Human aggression was a big "no-no"and still is. Experienced owners and handlers will be sure a dog like that (Human aggressive) is put down. Its a liability. Not breed it for extra money. That's the absolute worst thing anyone could do if they own pit bulls. Shame on those people!
The American pit bull terrier is not and never was a guardian breed!
In fact they are the most stolen breed of dog in the world.
Hmm... How are they stolen so easy when they are supposedly vicious human killers??
Please, please, please get your facts straight before you start spreading misinformation!
The backyard breeders need to stop! Breeding should only be done by experienced knowledgeable people with dogs proven breeding quality.
This means genetic health testing, earning titles, doing sports, getting out there proving it is a exceptional specimen. Comes from sound heritage both health and temperament wise. It goes much farther back then just the parents and grandparents.
Sound structure also plays a role.
Its not based on how cute or good of pet it is, what color it is, how big or small it is or any personal opinion from anyone.
That isn't good enough.
This is most of the problem, people who have no morals or ethics breeding crap. Most of them have zero proof it's a purebred or the genetics behind them.
They just pump puppies out for money.
If the dog doesn't come with registration papers from a reputable kennel club proving that it is in fact the breed it is said to be, then you morally cannot call it a purebred anything. The only logical choice is to call it a mix. You cannot prove what it is.The phrase "Looks like" doesn't count.
Therefore the MEDIA should not even attempt labeling these dogs. All the time they are not even close to being right.
DNA testing is not even accurate. They do not have genetic markers of every breed of dog out there.
I can guarantee you almost every single dog on the media, articles, even dogs you have met who are labeled "pit bull" are in fact an unregistered mix breed of some type. Some wild guess.
Purebred American pit bull terriers are a lot more uncommon than people know, by a long shot. Especially in Canada.
There is maybe 6 pit bull breeders and they do not sell to the public. No males are open for public service. They are highly responsible and do not have accidental breedings. Accidental anything's.
So the next time you are looking to buy a dog keep this in mind. Study the job the dog was bred to do. And if you can't handle it, don't get it!
Do not support backyard breeders, unless you are well prepared to potentially pay thousands of dollars in vet bills and professional dog trainers.
I can say, a true American pit bull terrier is a marvelous, noble, affectionate, compassionate, smart, humorous, animal in all of its glorious splendor.
who loves his human more then anything in this world and would gladly put his life on the line for a human, stranger or not.
If you ever get the chance to See one, it's truly a sight to see. Dubbed king of dogs. America's dog.
Thank you to those who dedicated your life to create this breed and make it what it is.
There is nothing in the world more joyful then an American pit bull terriers affection.
Preserve the breed!
End rant.
And also, been there did that! 27 stitches in my leg later.
You CANNOT train a dog "to be mean" it has to have it in them to be mean first and foremost!
DOG aggression and human aggression is two separate genetic traits. They come in many forms.
Just because it would attack and kill another animal doesn't mean it would do the same to a human!
Dogs were bred for thousands of years for specific tasks. Its in them. You can't train out genetics. You can only lower the frequency a bit with a skilled professional dog trainers help.
Bull breeds are prone to dog/animal aggression! They are/were combat dogs!
Human aggression was a big "no-no"and still is. Experienced owners and handlers will be sure a dog like that (Human aggressive) is put down. Its a liability. Not breed it for extra money. That's the absolute worst thing anyone could do if they own pit bulls. Shame on those people!

The American pit bull terrier is not and never was a guardian breed!
In fact they are the most stolen breed of dog in the world.
Hmm... How are they stolen so easy when they are supposedly vicious human killers??
Please, please, please get your facts straight before you start spreading misinformation!
The backyard breeders need to stop! Breeding should only be done by experienced knowledgeable people with dogs proven breeding quality.
This means genetic health testing, earning titles, doing sports, getting out there proving it is a exceptional specimen. Comes from sound heritage both health and temperament wise. It goes much farther back then just the parents and grandparents.
Sound structure also plays a role.
Its not based on how cute or good of pet it is, what color it is, how big or small it is or any personal opinion from anyone.
That isn't good enough.
This is most of the problem, people who have no morals or ethics breeding crap. Most of them have zero proof it's a purebred or the genetics behind them.
They just pump puppies out for money.
If the dog doesn't come with registration papers from a reputable kennel club proving that it is in fact the breed it is said to be, then you morally cannot call it a purebred anything. The only logical choice is to call it a mix. You cannot prove what it is.The phrase "Looks like" doesn't count.
Therefore the MEDIA should not even attempt labeling these dogs. All the time they are not even close to being right.
DNA testing is not even accurate. They do not have genetic markers of every breed of dog out there.
I can guarantee you almost every single dog on the media, articles, even dogs you have met who are labeled "pit bull" are in fact an unregistered mix breed of some type. Some wild guess.
Purebred American pit bull terriers are a lot more uncommon than people know, by a long shot. Especially in Canada.
There is maybe 6 pit bull breeders and they do not sell to the public. No males are open for public service. They are highly responsible and do not have accidental breedings. Accidental anything's.
So the next time you are looking to buy a dog keep this in mind. Study the job the dog was bred to do. And if you can't handle it, don't get it!
Do not support backyard breeders, unless you are well prepared to potentially pay thousands of dollars in vet bills and professional dog trainers.
I can say, a true American pit bull terrier is a marvelous, noble, affectionate, compassionate, smart, humorous, animal in all of its glorious splendor.
who loves his human more then anything in this world and would gladly put his life on the line for a human, stranger or not.
If you ever get the chance to See one, it's truly a sight to see. Dubbed king of dogs. America's dog.
Thank you to those who dedicated your life to create this breed and make it what it is.
There is nothing in the world more joyful then an American pit bull terriers affection.
Preserve the breed!
End rant.