Saturday, 13 January 2018


What Does ''PEDIGREE'' Really Mean?

What Is ''PEDIGREE''?
Pedigree simply connotes a family tree. It is an ancestral line or chart depicting the lineage or descent of an individual.
A pedigree is also a diagram that further depicts the biological relationship between an organism and its ancestors.
Why Is Pedigree Important?
Many people ask why we put emphasis on pedigree and bloodline of dogs. Some say they just want a family dog, and don't care about papers. Some don't even care if parents are registered or not, if they look pure bred, they must be pure bred. The only thing they want is a dog that resembles the breed they desire and if they can get it cheap, then all good.
The pedigree is the initial source of information about the puppy you want to buy and what it would become. Buying a puppy is a lifetime commitment- it is not an item, but a breathing member of the family that has his/her own requirements. The more information you have about the breed and the dog itself(it's pedigree), the more understanding you'll have about your pet.   

When you buy a dog without pedigree, (non-pedigree) you'll have zero information about the parents or grandparents , or whether or not there are any potential hereditary problems present within the line. You will also not know the kind of temperament the dog will have or how the dog's behavior will develop. Besides, the only way to be sure if your dog is purebred is only if it's pedigree, thus providing information on the ancestry behind such dog down to 4th generation.
A Nigerian maestro wrote ''To breed and to create a life, you first have to test(whether test of work,show or health or whatever the aim). After testing, you select those that meets your conditions and breed and the process continues on and on. While this process continues, there's a record of parents, and grandparents(that's the pedigree).''
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Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Common Human Foods Your Pets Should NOT Eat

1. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death

2. Xylitol

It can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Eventually, your dog may have seizures. Liver failure can happen within just a few days. It is a type of artificial sweetener found in many sugar-free products, like gum, candy and baked product.

3. Onions And Garlic

Keep onions and garlic -- powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated -- away from your dog. These foods can cause gastrointestinal irritation in pets and kill their red blood cells, causing anemia.

4.  Grapes And Raisins 

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. And just a small amount can make a dog sick. Vomiting over and over is an early sign. Within a day, your dog willget sluggish and depressed.

5.  Chocolate, coffee and caffeine

Caffeine can be fatal.  Watch out for coffee and tea, even the beans and the grounds. Keep your dog away from cocoa, chocolate, colas, and energy drinks. Note that darker chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest.’

6. Salt

It’s not a good idea to share salty foods like chips or pretzels with your dog. Eating too much salt can make your dog seriously thirsty. That means a lot of trips to the fire hydrant and it could  lead to sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high temperature, and seizures. It may even cause death.

7.  Nuts

Nuts, including almonds, pecans and walnuts, contain high amounts of oils and fats, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even pancreatitis in pets.
According to the ASPCA, macadamias are especially dangerous for pets. They can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia.

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Does Giving A Dog Beer Makes it Aggressive?

It is very appalling and only a display of ignorance for one to think putting a dog under some temporary form of negative and unhealthy influence will eventually have an effect on the dog's temperament. However, it does have an effect on the dog's health.

It is very important to note that the principal ingredient in beer, wine, or any alcohol are toxic to dogs Alcohol has the same effect on a dog’s liver and brain that it has on people. But it takes a lot less to hurt your dog. Just a little beer, liquor, wine, or food with alcohol can be injurious. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, coordination problems, breathing problems, coma, even death. And the smaller your dog, the worse it can be.

Grapes, left to ferment, are part of the main ingredients of alcoholic beverages, and are also among the Top plants that are toxic or poisonous to dogs. Alcohol is potentially toxic and physically intolerable by animals. The higher the alcohol content, the worse it is for your dog.
No matter where you are, enjoy your favorite beverages responsibly, but don’t let your dog’s curiosity or pleading eyes influence your choices.

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Coconut Oil For Dogs? Merits And Side Effects.

The question of whether or not pet families can use Coconut oil for their dogs, usage, advantages and side effects has become a prevailing one. Thus; to help you decide, we've to put together a detailed answer to popular questions that dog owners ask.

Coconut oil, because of its antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral composition, Coconut oil has become extremely popular these days.  It is an all-natural supplement for humans, as it helps moisturize your skin, condition your hair, and also serves medicinal purposes..

Is Coconut Oil Good for Dogs?
 According to Dr Bruce Fife, certified nutritionist and naturopathic doctor and president of the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil gently elevates the metabolism, provides a higher level of energy and vitality, protects you from illness, and speeds healing. Coconut oil can also aid dogs with many things- from itchy or bumpy skin to digestion issues. As an an addition, coconut oil improves any dog’s skin and coat, and reduces allergic reactions.

Dr Bruce Fife, author of Coconut Therapy For Pets, also says that coconut oil is extremely safe for all kinds of animals, from dogs to cats to birds, rabbits, guinea pigs as well as cows and horses.
Research shows show that coconut oil is well tolerated, even in toxicity studies where researchers fed huge amounts of coconut oil to animals. If your dog got into a whole jar of coconut oil, he’d probably just get a bout of loose stool or diarrhea.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Your Dogs

  • Clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis and itchy skin
  • Reduces allergic reactions and improves skin health
  • Gets rid of doggy odor
  • Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections, including candida
  • Disinfects cuts and aids wound healing
  • .Soothes and heals dry cracked pads and elbow calluses
  • Protects against fleas and ticks.

  • The presence of antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agents in the oil prevent infection and disease
  • May reduce risk of cancer in your pets.

  • Aids healing of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis
  • Reduces or eliminates bad breath in dogs
  • Expels or kills parasites

  • Promotes normal thyroid function
  • Increases energy and helps reduce weight
  • Regulates and balances insulin and can help prevent or control diabetes
  • Helps build strong bones
  • Eases inflammation and can help with arthritis discomfort.
  • Improves oral health and can be used to clean teeth
  • Promotes good nerve and brain function and prevents dementia.

It is more advisable to start out with small quantities when introducing your dog to a new food or supplement. Experts recommend that you start with small amounts.
  • ¼ teaspoon per day for small dogs and puppies.
  • 1 teaspoon for large dogs, or even just a dab if your dog's constitution is sensitive.
 Be sure to start with small amounts to avoid loose stools, and gradually increase until you get to the recommended dose. Adding it to food can also help prevent digestive upset at the period when you first start giving coconut oil to your dog. You can also apply on your dog's coat as it it is a fabulous immune builder, both orally and topically.
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Tuesday, 9 January 2018


My Dog Can't Swim- Water Safety Tips

Oh well, not every dog is a natural swimmer, just like people, pets may really need to be taught how to swim.” The most important thing to do is make sure the dogs feels comfortable. Safety and comfort is always key. Dogs should never be forced to swim if they are scared, as it may result in injury for the pet or the person or both.

When taking your dog swimming, it's advisable your pet wears a life jacket and that there are no harmful predators, like snakes or biting fish, inside the water or within the area.
Dogs with urinary tract infections, ear infections, skin infections, or open wounds should allow these conditions to heal before engaging in hydrotherapy”
                                                     (Swimming boerboel owned by Iwinosa Boerboel)

Also, one should be mindful of the kind of water the dog is allowed to swim. If they are swimming in salt water, salt toxicity can be an issue.Also, Chlorine used in pools could also be a bother pet owners, but the chemical should not be a cause for concern provided that the aquatic facility has UV filtration systems which lower the need for high levels of chlorine in pools.

The goal of hydrotherapy is gentle exercise. and anything that is observed contrary to this plan means the activity must stop immediately. He may become too excited or overwhelmed and could potentially face exhaustion while circling to get out.

Lastly, remember to rinse off your dog(s) once he’s done swimming for the day. Chlorine can cause discoloration to his coat.
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Monday, 8 January 2018


Swimming For Dogs? Good or Bad?

Swimming has similar benefits for dogs as it does for people. The water therapy provides humans with plenty of benefits from cooling off, to a form of exercise to stay in shape, and then It is also no co-incidence that man's best friend is a dog!

“Water therapy is beneficial in a variety of areas. From a preventative perspective, hydrotherapy is good for fitness, body condition, and a great source of aerobic exercise that has low impact on the bones and joints. It is a great tool to help your dog stay in optimal shape.”

When it comes to fitness, strength, and conditioning, aquatic therapy is an exercise that can be done year-round for dogs as young as a year old.
Aside from it being a great way for your dog to stay active, while cooling off, swimming allows pets that are usually restricted to running or walking on a leash exercise without feeling restrained. “I think the biggest benefit is fun,” says Liff. “Most of these dogs that willingly swim love it, and they reap the benefits.” And while swimming alongside or watching him paddle may be just as much fun for you.
                                                       (k9 Submarine, Owned by Iwinosa Boerboels)

Another common reason why dogs are brought in for aquatic therapy is to help them recover, following surgery (for something like an ACL tear), or to help arthritic dogs work their joints, maintain muscle mass, and move around comfortably all while minimizing discomfort.

Some dogs may need to work out in warm water as opposed to cool water. Block explains that colder water is typically used for athletic dogs who are training or exercising because it helps them maintain a normal, balanced body temperature. Warm water helps loosen tight muscles, and is used more often for therapy or recovery sessions.

However, there are water safety tips, A must read. See  HERE
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Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

It's usually a fascinating sight watching these dogs do certain things that crack their human owners up, one of which is the tail chasing (also called whirling).

Why do dogs relentlessly love to chase their tails?
It is a natural behavior often seen among puppies, and seldom in adult dogs.  Anyone who has ever played with a puppy knows that they often chase their tails. This is perfectly normal when they're young and playful. Some puppies act as if they're not aware that their tails are attached to their bodies, thus they see it as toys. Generally, as dogs age, this kind of play dies down- they probably realize that the tail is indeed part of their body after many snaps of their teeth.

Also, dogs tend to want to impress their owners , and would do whatever it takes to get their owners' ATTENTION. So if you happen to enjoy the view of your pet chasing its tail, he would likely do it over and over again each time he wants same positive attention from you.

Tail chasing in older dogs can also be a sign of a behavioral problem.Dogs can atimes develop compulsive disorders which might cause them to chew or lick themselves. Probably due to genetic reasons or their high energy drive, breeds like German shepherds and terriers tend to engage in tail-chasing more often than other breeds. In this case, owners should consider increasing their dog’s daily activity level.

However, tail chasing in older dogs might be a cause for concern as it might indicate the presence of worms or fleas or experiencing some other kind of medical issues.
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Hunger? Boredom? Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

First, rest assured that you’re not alone in your concern, especially if your dog is eating grass and vomiting. Grass eating among our canine friends has a number of theories as to origin.
Lots of dogs eat grass. Sometimes they eat and swallow it; sometimes they seem to just grab and spit it out or chew it and spit it out.

It seems to be a commonly held belief that dogs eat grass when they feel nauseated, though dogs do not have the means to digest grass, as they lack the enzymes needed to break down the fibres. Thus, there is little nutritional value in it for them. It is possible that dogs learn this is a temporary solution for stomach irritation.
There was a study that looked into this, and found that only 8% of plant eating dogs showed signs of illness prior to the grass eating and 22% vomited after eating grass. The dogs that seemed sick prior to the grass ingestion were the ones most likely to vomit after. Their study comprised more than 1500 client owned dogs. So the numbers do not completely support that your dog eats grass because he feels ill, but many people would not agree with the findings, and the dogs are not commenting.

Another common theory is that dogs will eat indigestible substances if they are excessively hungry or, treating intestinal worms or if their nutrition is poor- i.e dietary deficiency(including the need for fiber). PICA is the technical term for the disorder characterized by eating things that aren’t food.

Maybe the most likely reason that dogs eat grass is because it is a rewarding and fun behavior. In a study of giant pandas, (whose peculiar plant appetite has landed them on the endangered species list) scientists examined why they would choose to eat only bamboo. What they found is that eating and appetite are a very complex interaction of internal chemicals, including dopamine, which is thought to be associated with pleasure-reward in many species. Their findings seemed to suggest that the giant panda eats bamboo help stimulate dopamine metabolism. Eating bamboo allows the panda to experience “reward” and so the panda chooses to eat it. Maybe dogs eat grass because it causes a release of dopamine reward for them too.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Grass? 
There is a chance that your dog's eating grass is associated with it's PICA behavior which signifies a nutritional deficiency or hunger. So it is advisable you switch diet to a better dog food- especially a high in fiber brand.
Even though most experts agree that grazing isn’t harmful, one thing to keep in mind is that certain herbicides and pesticides used on lawns can be quite toxic, especially if ingested.
One can never rule out that for some, a nice patch of tasty clean crabgrass may simply give the momentary impression of an afternoon snack in the sun.
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Sunday, 7 January 2018


Myths And Popular beliefs About Heterochormic Dogs

There are myths and legends about dogs with this intriguing attribute.
Whether they are true or not, it does make for interesting speculations.
Popular belief 1- Some people believe that dogs with this condition can see both heaven and earth at the same time. and are also natural protectors, while brown or red eye dogs are considered spirit dogs.
Popular belief 2- Legend says it that sled dogs with heterochromia are faster than dogs with the same color eyes.
Popular belief 3- Heterochromic dogs suffer from blindness, even though this osgenerally not the case, as the condition usually has no adverse effect on vision.
Tip to confirm if they're really blind?
Why not have someone sit behind the dog and cover one eye. Stand in front of the dog with a large colorful bouncy ball. Drop the ball, if the eye follows the ball the dog can see well enough. Switch eyes and try again.
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Ever Seen A Dog With Two Different Eyeballs?

Many of us, at some point, must have seen or come across dogs with two different eyeballs- Could it be blindness? Or probably genetic fault? Or perhaps, something to cherish?
Heterochromia iridis is a genetic default when a living being has two different color eyes. Seen more often in dogs, cats and horses, it is a condition that may be present in humans as well, though not as often.It is a rare (and often strikingly gorgeous) condition in which animals have two different coloured eyes.

Heterochromia occurs as a result of excess lack of melanin in one eye. It may either be congenital (i.e present from birth), or develop over time. Injury is yet, another potential reason for occurrence. 

What's the Interesting part about Heterochromic Dogs? 
There are myths and legends about dogs with this intriguing attribute.
Whether they are true or not, it does make for interesting speculations. 
Popular belief 1- Some people believe that dogs with this condition can see both heaven and earth at the same time. and are also natural protectors, while brown or red eye dogs are considered spirit dogs.   see other myths HERE
What breeds are Susceptible to Heterochromia?                                       Certain breeds like the Australian Shepherds, huskies, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs, Dalmatians are more likely to have this uncommon trait - however, no breed is immune to it. Purebreds or not.

Should Heterochromic Dogs be bred?               It is actually considered a defect by most dog show associations and any dog with such condition will automatically be disqualified- though Huskies are the exceptions to the rule. A husky with heterochromia will still be allowed to show in the ring.                                                                 Whatever the reasons for the mismatched eyes, it's our little differences that makes us special!
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